Weekly Uplook - November 5

Happy November!

Thank each of you who prayed for Lori and me last weekend when I was the speaker for special meetings in Los Angeles.  It was sweet to be able to fellowship with the saints from there and several other churches where we have had the privilege of being pastor over the years.  We are happily home again and preparing for our own Seattle Special meetings next weekend.  Please pray for our guest speaker, Bro. Joshua Idowu and his wife who will be with us for the weekend and also pray for each one who will be in attendance.  We plan special meetings, campmeetings, concerts, youth camps and other events in an attempt to create an atmosphere where people will be inspired to seek the Lord who is always near when we gather.
I will remind you that clocks need to be set back tonight returning us to Standard time.  This will seem to hasten shorter days as it will be dark earlier in the evening but in reality…the days are the same length no matter how clocks are set.  May each of our “Chronos” moments lead us to those special times (Kairos moments) when God is noticeably present and working in our midst.
I would like to remind us all that as we move into the fall and winter seasons, the risks of illness are increased because we are not able to be outside or to leave windows and doors open as we can in the summer.  Please take special care if you have symptoms of illness (cold, sore throat, cough, runny nose, fever) to protect yourself and others by staying home from church and watching online.  Please understand…we want you there in person…just not when you are sick.   These are simple, practical, and thoughtful instructions which can be applied for colds, flu, Covid 19, etc.   If you have been exposed to someone who is ill but you are fine and choose to attend…we still have masks available for use at church to protect those around you.  
On a final note, with some sadness I must share that our dear Sister Elsie Litzenberger went to be with the Lord last Sunday morning.  A funeral service is scheduled at a funeral home near her home on next Friday, November 11 at 1 pm.  I will share more details when they are available. Please be praying for her children and grandchildren in their loss, especially Bro. Mark & Sis. Tina and their children who are members of our own church family.
Rev. William E. McKibben
Senior Pastor





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